Autumn...the beauty and splendor of changes leaves and crisp clear mornings. The other thing Autumn brings is a new school year. I enter each year with enthusiasm and a heaping helping of hope and inspiration. I feel revved up and ready to run forward. I feel compelled to get organized, I even sit and prayfully design lesson plans and pray for each of my kids.
Ah...but alas that does not last long, at least not in our home. The leaves are just starting to blanket our lawn and already I feel a sense of frustration at how slow our progress is going. My kids spend more time arguing and ho-humming about their work than actually doing it. And as the earth prepares to hibernate, I am wishing that I, too can hibernate along with it. URGH!!! Instead of the hope I felt just a few short weeks ago, I'm longing for some solitude. (Who are these children and who do they belong to anyways!???) Just trying to write this post has caused so much frustration within me (I will get this finished!!!). I've been interrupted so many times I've lost count. At one point early in this post I counted three interruptions per sentence. It's a wonder I get anything down clearly. What is actually funny about this....well, let's just name it what it is..Whining. I experience this every single year and yet I still go back to it. What do they call that?? I think the word is glutton. ;)
Homeschooling is so very foreign to those who haven't been called to wander down this path but to those of us who have, it's a way of life. In spite of my whinings, grumpy moods, and tears of frustration, I truly do feel privileged and honored to be able to walk along side my children as they grow into the men and woman God has purposed them to be. I realize it requires everything of me to do this but then, what was it I signed up for as mother if not to do everything I've been asked to do to partner with God in raising these precious children? I'm suddenly reminded of the words I frequently heard from my dad during my teenage years...It's not about you...(me). *sigh*
This morning we began our day reading Psalm 139 together and as I listened to my daughter read her verses I was overcome with joy that we could do that at the start of our schooling day. How precious are His thoughts for us...and how He is pleased to see His children willing to answer the call to rise to something they never thought they could/would do, even if it's homeschooling. Thank you Lord!!!
Ruth, you were is therapy. This blogging thing might just be the thing I need to keep my sanity. I guess we'll see. If I'm reading this post right, it does sound like I'm a bit crazy but then crazy is never boring so I can scratch that excuse off my list ;)
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